Kent, Ohio
A first for an established transit agency
This project, which brought the first CNG fueling station to Portage County, progressed over two phases:
Phase 1 – Bowen served as architect and engineer for the design-bid-build for renovations
to portion of their existing maintenance garage to make the area code compliant for CNG buses.
Phase 2 – Bowen served as Criteria-AE for a new CNG fueling facility to fuel PARTA buses and public vehicles.
For Phase 1, Bowen worked with PARTA and the local code officials to develop a set of plans that isolated a portion of the garage and implemented a specialized system of gas detection sensors and exhaust fans, allowing PARTA to use this portion of the garage to store and maintain the CNG buses. Phase 1 was completed in 2016.
For Phase 2, Bowen prepared the schematic plans and specifications that PARTA used to bid the project out to Design/Build teams. Bowen continued on as the Owner’s representative throughout the final design and construction of the work.